We've been noticing things are starting to get ugly out there in the internet frontier - and it's more than just the blinking ad banners. It's tough to wade through the all the e-muck and figure out what your business really needs, or how much you should really pay! Add to all that the promises of do-it-yourself software packages, and its hard to convince anyone (including yourself) to set aside a budget for website development.

The philosophy at Graphic Sound and Vision is simple - you get quality service from professional designers. And just like in the "real" world, there is no better value.

We offer a full range of pricing options - Contact Us! - We can provide you with our pricing "menu" based on your project.

Website "Bells and Whistles" are extra services - see Website Vibrations for more info. Special Graphic Design treatments, logo and corporate image development, imaging, illustration, etc, are also extra services - check out Graphic Design as well as other areas on our site to see some of the possibilities.

Think of our "do-it-yourself" option like spending a couple hours with a golf pro!

(Come to think of it, we don't golf... but just think where we'd be if we had only taken those lessons.)


Overview of Website Packages
When you request a project estimate, we provide a detailed proposal with an outline of Web pages and additional services required for your project. Here's a general overview of typical website packages:

the BASIC Site
Approximately seven pages including a home page. Domain registration and hosting set-up for you. You provide the site content (text and images) via e-mail.(scanning and typing cost extra.)
For those do-it-your-selfers out there, we can assist you in basic web design and maintenance to get you started for an additional fee.
Similar to the BASIC with a simple database for use in mailing lists, etc. (There are additional web hosting costs for setup and maintenance of a database).
We add a shopping cart and secure credit card check out. This will involve maintaining data tables for inventory, customers, orders, and more. A "back-end" site will be needed to update data and fullfill orders. Merchant certification, credit card verification, and interface with existing order fullfillment are required. Approximately 40 pages depending on site requirements.
If business to business is your bag, interfacing with large corporate databases, graphical or image intensive data, regionally based hosting, we'll develop your solution. We come from business, and we stay focused on business. Contact us.
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